Anime Pasadena is holding a Super Smash Bros. Tournament at their event on April 20! The tournament is free to enter for all paid ticket attendees but limited to the first 100 people to register on-site. (Registration is being done on a "First Come, First Serve" basis. You must register with Lan Hero at Anime Pasadena to be able to enter to play.)
The prize for first place is $300, second place is $150.00, and $50.00 for third place.
You can enter for the tournament as soon as the doors open at 10:00 AM, and sign ups close at 10:45 AM. Wave A will begin at 11:00 AM. Wave B will begin at 12:30 PM. Top 32 will begin at 2:00 PM.
Buy your tickets to Anime Pasadena here.
If you have any questions regarding the tournament, you can email Lan Hero at