This article was written by Kayla from
Feel free to check out her website for some fun and family friendly articles.
If you have a child, you know how difficult it can be to do anything with them. Depending on how much sugar their breakfast cereal had, something as simple as a trip to the grocery store can become a veritable nightmare involving three broken pickle jars, vomit on the back seat, and a restraining order from the deli clerk. You might even think to yourself there’s no possible way you could bring your kids to a big event like comic-con, but I’m here to give you 5 tips that will help you survive a con with a little one. It’s possible, y'all!
1. Psych them up/ prepare them for safety
As soon as you buy your tickets, it’s time to put your plan into action. Depending on how old they are, you can be preparing them for the event weeks or even months in advance. You want your kid to be as excited as you are, and you can do that by showing them pictures and videos of cons, telling them which superheroes they might see, and for your older ones maybe giving them a small allowance and talking through one or two things they can buy while they’re there.
If you’re up to it, you can even let them be involved in planning and creating a costume. If you have matching shirts to help stand out, they can help pick those too. I know, you may end up with Minecraft costumes instead of the amazing Gundam Wing mecha suit you wanted, but that’s what it means to be a parent I guess. Getting them involved in the process at any level is going to make for a much easier trip. Even more important than excitement though, you need to prepare your child to be safe.

With older kids, make sure they have a cell phone or even a walkie-talkie to bring. And with the younger ones, start having them memorize your phone number. I find it helpful to rehearse the info at least once every day or two, to be sure it’s imprinted on my boy’s brain. We also have a safety bracelet for him to wear as back up - it has his name, our names, and our phone numbers so that if he does get lost, he can easily be found. Talk through what it means to stay together and always watch for mom and dad (or whoever they’re with). Which brings me to my next suggestion:
2. It’s better in groups
If you have a kid, you absolutely should not be the only adult in your party. Be it your partner, relative, or friend, it is absolutely vital to bring another responsible grown up. This is for a few reasons: the more eyes on your little one, the better, and it helps if there are any long lines or potentially boring things you want to do. Have tickets to a celebrity signing? Awesome! One of you can wait in line while the other walks around and entertains the kiddo. You can meet up at the front of the line or even take turns waiting if you need to. Need a bathroom break? Having someone to hold your stuff or wait with the baby can be such a lifesaver.

If your kiddo is at the potty training or assisted potty age, having someone who can hold your sweet goodies and merch can be the difference between a smooth potty experience and getting kid pee all over your costume.
3. Have a plan for mobility
In my opinion, this is easiest when your kid is less than a year old. We took our son when he was about 8 months old, and I was able to wear him in a baby wrap the entire time. Amazing. Incredible. Adorable. Perfect. A toddler or older kid though? You won’t be quite so lucky. I know it’s cumbersome, but having a stroller or wagon can be super helpful towards the end of the day.

My friend actually incorporates a wagon into their costume design, and it works out perfectly. People will be far less likely to complain about how much space you’re taking up if it’s just an adorable little Moana in a boat, after all.
4. Snacks/bribery
I know you’re an amazing parent and you would never dream of resorting to junk food as a motivator for your kid. Your child eats only organic, free-range, locally sourced kale chips and guava and they like it so much. Listen. If you want to go to this con, you’re going to have to be flexible, and that includes your snack choices. Check the restrictions of the venue and event, but if possible, you definitely want to load up on goodies that will keep your little one happy. Whatever snacks they like best will be good fuel for keeping them content when they get tired and overstimulated.

And while we would never do this under normal circumstances (wink, wink). It doesn’t hurt to have a few candies stashed in your pockets to keep them quiet if you’re sitting in a panel. “If you promise not to touch any of the very expensive collectibles that absolutely look like toys to you, I will give you this Tootsie Pop. Just please, PLEASE do not break that unique replica of the Fortress of Solitude. I want to be able to afford your college.”
5. Take it slow and Take a break - or three
Finally, you want to have a plan in place for resting. Unless you are babywearing or your kid is one of those miracle children who can sleep anywhere under any circumstances, you can pretty much forget a nap. The colors and sounds are all so much that pretty much anyone is going to get overstimulated, especially a little person attending a con for the first time. Scope out a place that’s relatively quiet and find a corner you can camp out in for a while. I find it best to do that when we’re eating lunch.
For babies, you can bring a blanket for them to lay out on and get that oh so important tummy time in (see? You’re a fantastic mom) and for older kids, let them run absolutely wild if you can. Literally let them sprint in circles until they pass out, just to get their wiggles out. This will recharge their battery and give you a solid few more hours of enjoyment out of the day.

The important thing to remember when you have a kid with you is that you won’t get to do everything you want to, but you can still do a lot and it will still be so fun. In my opinion, it’s even more fun seeing everything through their eyes, because the 47th terrible homemade Deadpool you run into is still Deadpool to them, and they love it.
So there you have it! It definitely takes some planning and flexibility, but attending a con with a little one is more than possible, it’s a blast. 11/10, would recommend. :)
This article was written by Kayla from
Feel free to check out her website for some fun and family friendly articles.